The 2024 Annual Report is Available Now!
Church Leadership
Staff Team
Click on a photo or name to email a staff member,
or call the Church Office at (314) 965-0326.
Senior Pastor/Head of Staff
Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministries

Business Manager
Preschool Director
Interim Associate Pastor

Communications Director
Director of Music Ministries
Music Associate/
Assistant Organist
Head Custodian
Session is our group of active ruling elders, elected by the congregation, who make decisions for the running of the local church and serve as spiritual leaders of the congregation. (In some denominations this group is called the church council.)
Sara Butler
Membership, Co-chair
Jim Cooper
Outreach Committee
Charles Croissant
Outreach Committee, Chair
Rhein Dabler
Buildings & Grounds Committee, Chair
Gerald DeWulf
Technology Committee, Chair
Sue Hooks
Personnel Committee
Randy Jozwiakowski,
Finance Committee, Chair
Mike Korte
Personnel Committee
Kristen McSwain
Hospitality Committee, Chair
Sarah Nepple
Children, Families and Youth Committee, Chair
Alan Ritter
Church Officer Nominating Committee, Chair
Worship, Music, and Arts Committee
Kim Selle
Personnel Committee, Chair
Rebecca Shipley
Worship, Music and Arts Committee, Chair
Allison Tackes
Children, Youth, and Families Committee
Joel Wiesehan
Stewardship Committee, Chair
Personnel Committee
Rev'd. Gary Noonan
Senior Pastor/Head of Staff
Rev. Linda Maconochie
Interim Associate Pastor
Lisa Ward
Committee Chairs
Get involved! Join a committee.
Join our committees to play an active role in leading the work at First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood! Contact the respective individuals below to learn more or send an email to and we will connect you.
Worship, Music, and the Arts: Support worship and arts at our church. Contact Rebecca Shipley.
Children, Youth, and Families: Foster religious growth and fellowship. Contact Sarah Nepple.
Community Outreach: Join efforts guided by the Matthew 25 focus and its three foci: Building Congregational Vitality, Eradicating Systemic Poverty, and Dismantling Structural Racism. Contact Charles Croissant.
Hospitality: Extend a warm welcome and connect with the community. Contact Kristen McSwain.
Buildings and Grounds: Maintain our facility and grounds. Contact Rhein Dabler.
Personnel: Manage church staff and policies. Contact Kim Selle.
Membership Committee: Welcome people into our community; support them in the process of becoming members; and encourage members to deepen their commitment to First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood. Contact Sara Butler.
Technology Committee: Use technology to create a welcoming environment that supports existing members and invites new people to join us; enhance our worship experience; and improve the work experience of our staff. Contact Gerald DeWulf.
Faith Formation and Spirituality: Encourage spiritual growth. Contact Rev. Linda Maconochie.
Finance, Operations, and Stewardship: Ensure fiscal responsibility and support the church's mission. Contact Randy Jozwiakowski for Finance. Contact Joel Wiesehan for Stewardship.
The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, of exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies, and sound judgment should be chosen for this office.
It is the duty of deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith. They shall assume such other duties as may be delegated to them from time to time by the session, such as leading the people in worship through prayers of intercession, reading the Scriptures, presenting the gifts of the people and assisting with the Lord’s Supper.
Becky Craig
Chair, Homebound
Bill Dunaway
Lindsay Marting
Secretary/ Treasurer
Phyllis Foster
Chair, Hospital Care
Don Lewis
Chair, Community Care
Judy Matthews
Chair, Bereavement
Jim Boal
Amy Freshwater
Robyn Gornati
Keith Klamer
Carol Layton
Ginny Lester
Paul Luther
Ellen Wood Lynch
Leigh Mansfield​
Tim Morrison
Janet Smart
Carolyn Sproul
Nancy Ullery
Julie Woodrome
Cindy Wunderlich